Thoughts on Building Technology Products and Businesses
photo credit: sowri Here’s a neat idea… these guys are selling words from a dictionary.
Best practice RESTful queries in Rails
photo credit: alexanderdrachmann I was recently helping a friend out with his Rails project and we were trying to figure out the best way to handle queries in a RESTful Rails app, i.e. returning a subset of items meeting certain…
How to Find a Technical Co-Founder
Credit: Robert Scoble So you’ve got a great idea for a killer Web startup but you’re not a techie yourself? You’re looking for a technical business partner or CTO; someone who understands business but can pull the technical side of…
How to Find Top Tips on Almost Anything (…or Just a Few Random Things for Now)
photo credit: Seth Thomas Rasmussen Do you collect tips and tricks? Do you want to know how to do almost anything better? And do you like to share what you know? Then Tipfo is for you. The alpha version of…
UK Hire Guide
HireGuru is a new site I’ve been working on. It is a directory of UK hire companies with details of companies hiring out things from sumo suits to helicopters.
- site revamp
I’ve just revamped and finally moved this blog to a private WordPress installation. Let me know if you have any problems with any of it.
Local social network
I’ve been working away on a new site designed to help people connect with other local people. It is inspired mainly by Peuplade, a site that has done very well in France. An initial version is now live, so if…
- switches to Rails
Here’s a post about recently switching from PHP to Rails. Interestingly, they cite access to GIS functionality as one reason for the switch. After the switch, their hosting costs were roughly the same as before and their codebase was…
Fix for “Couldn’t find ‘authenticated’ generator”
Here’s another little problem I was just hitting and the solution in case it happens to help someone else out there. If you’re trying to use a plugin (in this case the restful_authentication plugin) and you’re hitting an error like…