Thoughts on Building Technology Products and Businesses
Taking the usability tips I received yesterday, I’ve spent most of the day updating the VillageRatings site, applying the “low-hanging-fruit” changes. Here’s the new-look version.
Usability advice for VillageRatings
At Internet World, the affable and knowledgeable Simon and Alex (I hope I have the names right) from Nomensa and a very nice chap from Cyber-Duck gave me some great advice for VillageRatings (much of which will be generally applicable)…
A Day at Internet World 2007
I spent today at the Internet World show at Earls Court. Apart from being a good excuse to escape from my trusty laptop for a day, there were a number of interesting talks and even some web usability experts on…
Maps galore
I’ve just finished adding mapping features to the VillageRatings site. It turns out that displaying maps is relatively easy, thanks to the wonderful Google Maps API. What is tricky (in the UK at least) is computing the right longitude and…
How long could I live in Peckham without creating a Peckham-centric web site? Not very long. OK, so PeckhamLive is never going to be big. And it’s not the prettiest site to see the light of day. But it could…
VillageRatings on Rails
I’ve just re-implemented the VillageRatings site in Rails. The site allows people to read about UK villages and leave their own feedback on them. You can now list villages in order of their ratings for any attribute or overall average…
LondonTwenty is designed as a starting page for Londoners. The idea is to provide categorised links to the top twenty (or so) sites for Londoners of which people might not otherwise be aware or of which they might not remember…
Sending data from browser to server with javascript and JSON
This is some code I wrote to send data from a javascript object (on a browser) to a Rails application on a server. [My aim was to use the Google AJAX search API and a Google local search controller to…