Category: Projects & Experiments

  • PeckhamLive

    How long could I live in Peckham without creating a Peckham-centric web site? Not very long. OK, so PeckhamLive is never going to be big. And it’s not the prettiest site to see the light of day. But it could be useful if you happen to live in Peckham and are looking for local information.…

  • VillageRatings on Rails

    I’ve just re-implemented the VillageRatings site in Rails. The site allows people to read about UK villages and leave their own feedback on them. You can now list villages in order of their ratings for any attribute or overall average rating which wasn’t possible before. And, thanks to Rails, the homepage has been completely overhauled.…

  • LondonTwenty

    LondonTwenty is designed as a starting page for Londoners. The idea is to provide categorised links to the top twenty (or so) sites for Londoners of which people might not otherwise be aware or of which they might not remember the names. It also has a London-specific search engine. The next time you’re looking for…